Last Update: May 2021

Welcome to

The following terms of service (these “Terms of Service”), govern your access to and use of the Hunarufoshi website, including any content, functionality and services offered on or through

Please read the Terms of Service carefully before you start to use the Site. By using the Site, opening an account or by clicking to accept or agree to the Terms of Service when this option is made available to you, you accept and agree, on behalf of yourself or on behalf of your employer or any other entity (if applicable), to be bound and abide by these Terms of Service, Hunarufoshi Payment Terms, (“Payment Terms”), and our Privacy Policy, each of which is incorporated herein by reference. If you do not want to agree to these Terms of Service or the Privacy Policy, you must not access or use the Site. For more detailed policies surrounding the activity and usage on the Site, please access the designated articles herein.

The original language of these Terms of Service, as well as all other texts throughout the Site, is English. Hunarufoshi makes available this translation for convenience only. In case of conflicts between the original English version and any translation, the English version shall prevail.

Key Terms

Buyers are users who purchase services on Hunarufoshi.

Business Account is a collaborative Buyer account, created via Hunarufoshi Business, as detailed on Hunarufoshi Business Terms of Service.

Business Account Team Member or Team Member is any user that is invited or uses a Business Account.

Custom Offers are exclusive proposals that a Seller can create in response to specific requirements of a Buyer.

Custom Orders are requests made by a Buyer to receive a Custom Offer from a Seller.

Gig® Extras are additional services offered on top of the Seller’s Gig for an additional price defined by the Seller.

Gig® Packages allow Sellers to offer services in different formats and prices. Packages can include upgrades.

Gig® Page is where the Seller can describe their Gig and the Gig’s terms, and the Buyer can purchase the Gig and create an order.

Gig® / Gigs® are services offered on Hunarufoshi.

Order Page is where Buyers and Sellers communicate with each other in connection with an ordered Gig.

Orders are the formal agreements between a Buyer and Seller after a purchase was made from the Seller’s Gig Page.

Sellers are users who offer and perform services through Gigs or through the Logo Maker on Hunarufoshi.

Overview (Main terms, in a nutshell)

  • Only registered users may buy and sell on Hunarufoshi. Registration is free. In registering for an account, you agree to provide us with accurate, complete and updated information and must not create an account for fraudulent or misleading purposes. You are solely responsible for any activity on your account and for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your password. We are not liable for any acts or omissions by you in connection with your account.
  • Buyers pay Hunarufoshi in advance to create an order.
  • Orders are purchased through the Order button found on a Seller’s Gig page or through a Custom Offer.
  • For fees and payments please contact us
  • Sellers must fulfill their orders, and may not cancel orders on a regular basis or without cause. Cancelling orders will affect Sellers’ reputation and status.
  • Sellers gain account statuses (Levels) based on their performance and reputation. Advanced levels provide their owners with benefits, including offering services for higher prices through Gig Extras, or selling their Gig in multiples.
  • Users may not offer or accept payments using any method other than placing an order through
  • When purchasing a Gig, Buyers are granted all rights for the delivered work, unless otherwise specified by the Seller on their Gig page. Note: some Gigs charge additional payments.
  • Hunarufoshi retains the right to use all published delivered works and Logo Designs for Hunarufoshi marketing and promotion purposes.



  • Sellers create Gigs on Hunarufoshi to allow Buyers to purchase their services.
  • Sellers may also offer Custom Offers to Buyers in addition to their Gigs.
  • For more information about receiving payments, fees and taxes please contact us.
  • Sellers may not promote their Gigs or any Hunarufoshi content via the Google Ads platform.
  • For security concerns, Hunarufoshi may temporarily disable a Seller’s ability to withdraw revenue to prevent fraudulent or illicit activity. This may come as a result of security issues, improper behavior reported by other users, or associating multiple Hunarufoshi accounts to a single withdrawal provider.
  • Sellers are responsible for obtaining a general liability insurance policy with coverage amounts that are sufficient to cover all risks associated with the performance of their services.



  • You may not offer direct payments to Sellers using payment systems outside of the Hunarufoshi platform.
  • Hunarufoshi retains the right to use all publicly published delivered works for Hunarufoshi marketing and promotional purposes.
  • Buyers may request a specific service from the Post a Request feature. Services requested on Hunarufoshi must be an allowed service on Hunarufoshi. Please contact us through for guidelines on approved services. Users should refrain from using the Post a Request feature for any purpose other than looking for services on Hunarufoshi.


  • Please refer to the Payment Term’s  for making Payments through the Hunarufoshi platform and to learn about fees and taxes, or contact us.
  • In addition, Buyers can request a Custom Order which addresses specific Buyer requirements, and receive a Custom Offer from Sellers through the site or through Hunarufoshi Anywhere.
  • You may not offer Sellers to pay, or make payment using any method other than through the site. In case you have been asked to use an alternative payment method, please report it immediately to



  • Once payment is confirmed, your order will be created and given a unique Hunarufoshi order number.
  • Sellers must deliver completed files and/or proof of work using the Deliver Work button (located on the Order page) according to the service that was purchased and advertised on their Gig.
  • The Deliver Work button may not be abused by Sellers to circumvent Order guidelines described in these Terms of Service. Using the “Deliver Work” button when an Order was not fulfilled may result in a cancellation of that Order after review, affect the Seller’s rating and result in a warning to Seller.
  • An Order is marked as Complete after it is marked as Delivered and then accepted by a Buyer. An Order will be automatically marked as Complete if not accepted and no request for modification was submitted within 3 days after the Order was marked as Delivered.
  • We encourage our Buyers and Sellers to try and settle conflicts amongst themselves. If for any reason this fails after using the Resolution Center or if you encounter non-permitted usage on the Site, users can contact Customer Support department for assistance. Handling Orders
  • When a Buyer orders a Gig, the Seller is notified by email as well as notifications on the site while logged into the account.
  • Sellers are required to meet the delivery time they specified when creating their Gigs. Failing to do so will allow the Buyer to cancel the Order when an Order is marked as late and may harm the Seller’s status.
  • Sellers must send completed files and/or proof of work using the Deliver Completed Work button (located on the Order page) to mark the Order as Delivered.
  • Users are responsible for scanning all transferred files for viruses and malware. Hunarufoshi  will not be held responsible for any damages which might occur due to site usage, use of content or files transferred.
  • Buyers may use the “Request Revisions” feature located on the Order Page while an Order is marked as Delivered if the delivered materials do not match the Seller’s description on their Gig page or they do not match the requirements sent to the Seller at the beginning of the order process.


  • Feedback reviews provided by Buyers while completing an Order are an essential part of Hunarufoshi rating system. Reviews demonstrate the Buyer’s overall experience with the Sellers and their service. Buyers are encouraged to communicate to the Seller any concerns experienced during their active order in regards to the service provided by the Seller.
  • Leaving a Buyer’s feedback is a basic prerogative of a Buyer. Feedback reviews will not be removed unless there are clear violations of our Terms of Service and/or our Community Standards.


A service fee of 1.5% will be charged from every customer who acquires a service via the Hunarufoshi Website.

Freelancers who secure a GIG through the Hunarufoshi website will be charged a 3% commission.

Contact Us:

+960 7765736  +960 9767643 +960 9998701 +960 7607428

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